
Need to register for the next race, or need to register for the first time? Here’s the golden link. Enjoy!

MTB 101/201 Skills Clinic

Check out upcoming MTB 101/201 skills clinics. To schedule an MTB 101/201 class for your coaches, email



Signing waivers are an important step to becoming a coach.  Click here for the Waiver.

Incident Report

Click here to report an incident (such as a crash or injury) to NICA.

Petition Form

To petition for a category change or other rules exception, both coach and rider need to fill out this form.

Sign-up for our Coaches Newsletter

All fields required.

Coach Licensing Requirements

License Requirement Where completed Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Participation Agreement PitZone Required Annually
Coach Licensing Membership Fee (if applicable) PitZone Required Annually
Background Check PitZone (linked to outside provider) Required Annually
Concussion Training NICA Learning Management System Required Annually
Athlete Abuse Awareness Training NICA Learning Management System Required every two years
NICA Philosophy, Safety and Risk Management (replaces NICA Student- Athlete Coaching Philosophy) NICA Learning Management System Required Annually
Coach License Level 1 NICA Learning Management System Required every 2 years
Coach License Level 2 NICA Learning Management System Required every 2 years
Coach License Level 3 NICA Learning Management System Required every 2 years
First Aid Outside provider or league scheduled Requirements vary based on Geography and Specific League needs
CPR Outside provider or league scheduled In-person Class Required
OTB 101 Online Course NICA Learning Management System Required
OTB 101 In-Person Clinic Scheduled by your League Required
Field Work On your own. Confirm hours in NICA Learning Management System. 20 Hours 80 Hours
NICA Leader Summit Core Courses Online or in-person scheduled by your league Required
Continuing Education On your own 3 Units every 3 years 9 Units every 3 years

Coach Licensing

The League recognizes coaches as the most essential component of successful mountain bike teams and we have many resources that can help you organize your team. Please contact with any questions.

The NICA Coaches Licensing Program was introduced to ensure that all League student-athletes have adult leaders familiar with the best coaching practices. Licensed coaches have been trained in topics that include risk management, team management, ride management, and youth sports psychology.

The Coaches Licensing Program includes Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Ride Leaders and General Volunteer Licenses.  All license holders are covered by comprehensive liability insurance provided by the League for the duration of the season.



The NorCal League Coaching Summit is our annual professional development summit for high school mountain bike coach licensing. It provides volunteers with the training and education they need to start and maintain a quality high school mountain bike team. For more details about venue, speakers, and an agenda go here.

We also have Wilderness First Aid (WFA) training and MTB 101 clinics available throughout the season. 
Our official season starts on December 1st, but we know there are teams chomping at the bit to get their riders together for scheduled activities (fun rides, skills clinics, bike checks/fits). We’re stoked for you! If you’re interested in having pre-season activities, we’ll need you to read and fill out this form.

*For updated information from NICA regarding first aid requirements, go here.

NICA Approved First Aid Class with Otis Guy

The legend, Otis Guy has designed a course that meets NICA approval for Level 2 and Level 3 coaches within one hour of definitive care.

Go to Otis’ website for his current schedule of courses.

Certifications will last 2 years, and you will receive it by email attachment.